Wednesday, 1 July 2015

A blue summer...

Blue, blue, blue and more blue. Blue has always been such a great colour for the summer and always reminds me of a Greek holiday with all the blue and white patterns, but my love for blue this summer started when I found a Michael Kors clutch bag on Ebay for only £30.00 in great condition! It was an opportunity I couldn't miss.
The main reason I bought the clutch was for a family friends wedding. For the outfit to match my clutch the dress of course had to be blue. This was when I found the perfect dress in Oasis and gorgeous ocean blue heels in Newlook all for reasonable prices but also items that I would easily wear again as we all know that struggle of buying an outfit and never wearing it again.

Blue shorts are a necessity  this summer and I love to wear them with baggy plain tops and even over a bikini when on holiday, they are a definite must have. Hollister shorts for me are the best fit especially their high rise collection which come in a range of gorgeous blues. My favourite shorts that I wear ALL the time is my Hollister festival high rise shorts in a dark wash; they are just sooo comfy and are my new obsession.
Its a certain that playsuits are the most comfiest clothes invented but my cute pompom blue playsuit from boohoo tops them all. Playsuits are such an easy outfit as there isn't any other clothing decisions that need to be made it is just the playsuit its great! Topped with some strappy sky blue sandals and its the easiest yet cutest outfit of the summer.
Finally, the bikini. The Greek pattern really shows in this boohoo bikini. Not only did I love the pattern and colour.. of course, the string at the front of the bikini bottom added that extra cutest and support which is always needed in a bikini we don't want to be flashing anyone around the pool.

Everyone needs to embrace their blue this summer. I know I am! Click on the items mentioned to take you to the website you can get it from.
Courtney x

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